Record Your Ride For Cheap!

I've been wanting a way to video-record my trips to and from work and elsewhere, but haven't wanted to shell out the money for a helmet-mounted camera and the works.

Now, thanks to the folks at, there's a way: one of their users has designed his Covert Spy Sunglasses! You still need your own actual camera, but the mounting part can be done for less than $40.00 (according to their estimate).

Pretty slick...

People, not speed.


  1. The folks that do Justin.TV have this down to an art. You'll need a camera with a video in, of course.

    Let us know when you post your videos, Jamie :-)

  2. Well, we'll see about getting a second, more portable camera than the one I currently have. The one I have isn't HUGE, but it's also not really bike-portable. Not saying I need a Xtracycle for it or anything...

  3. Ah ha! So that's how videos on the sex videos I stumble upon.


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