WAD Monthly Commuter Ride Update - Nov. 20th

Here's some great news from Brett Allen of WAD, including a great opportunity to try out some new bike commuting hardware:
The WAD Bikeway Association's monthly group commuter bike ride is next Thursday, November 20th.

This month we are taking over High St - in a civilized kind of way.

Map and Itinerary - 20 NOV 08 - Click Here

Thanks to roll: Polaris we will have demo Light & Motion light gear available for trial use. See wadbikeway.blogspot.com for more information.

Free showers downtown. Five free day passes available at MetroFitness on E Long St. ID required.

See you there,
Brett Allen
Thanks, Brett, and thanks to roll:Polaris for making the equipment available! As I said, this is a great opportunity to test drive new lights, making our rides easier and more comfortable!

People, not speed.
