New Transportation Bill Hugely Damaging to Carless Commuters

The latest proposed cuts to transportation funding are not good if you're trying to get around sans automobile, that's for sure.  A number of groups, including the Rails-To-Trails Conservancy, the League of American Bicyclists, and Transportation For America are calling our attention to the very damaging bill H.R. 7 which was recently brought up by

The bill would (per the Rails-To-Trails Conservancy's web page) have the following effects:

  • Eliminate dedicated funding for trails, walking and bicycling; 
  • Destroy a 40-year precedent of long-term dedicated funding for transit; 
  • Do away with the rail-trail eligibility category in the Transportation Enhancements (TE) program; 
  • Put our children in harm's way by eliminating the Safe Routes to School program; 
  • Fail to maximize its job creation potential, since trail, walking and bicycling projects create substantially more jobs per dollar than do highway projects; 
  • Increase America's dependence on foreign oil; 
  • and Contribute to our growing health and obesity crises. 
If you'd like to help with the effort to remove this bill and get your congresspeople to vote against it, click on one of the links above and join us as we fight for better transportation options!

People, not speed.


  1. Of course it's a setback to have support withdrawn from such projects but I think what will happen in the long run is that more affordable solutions for these projects will be devised, which will make them more expansive because they're less financially cumbersome. Obviously, money isn't tight and people aren't shifting to bicycle commuting for no reason. The current cuts aren't suddenly going to make driving a reasonable alternative for everyone so the need to bike will still be there - and thus the need to expand bike infrastructure. Budget cuts aren't an end but a beginning.

    1. I am actually less concerned with the cycling issues than the other issues. Bikes are traffic, and proper enforcement and education are worth 100 bike lanes, in my opinion. I'm much more concerned about the transit and Safe Routes to Schools issues.

      Great transit keeps people more active, reduces emissions and congestion on roads, and is helps people who can't afford or operate cars to get around and stimulate the economy (instead of sitting in their houses unemployed because they can't get to jobs, or because they are unable to drive, etc.).


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